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Card of the Day

Choose one card

Three of Wands back Three of Wands front
Two of Pentacles back Two of Pentacles front
The Hermit back The Hermit front
Eight of Wands back Eight of Wands front
Five of Pentacles back Five of Pentacles front
Three of Cups back Three of Cups front
Seven of Wands back Seven of Wands front
Ten of Wands back Ten of Wands front
Justice back Justice front
Eight of Swords back Eight of Swords front
Six of Swords back Six of Swords front
The Tower back The Tower front
Page of Swords back Page of Swords front
King of Swords back King of Swords front
Six of Wands back Six of Wands front
Page of Pentacles back Page of Pentacles front
Nine of Pentacles back Nine of Pentacles front
Ace of Pentacles back Ace of Pentacles front
Nine of Wands back Nine of Wands front
Knight of Pentacles back Knight of Pentacles front
Eight of Pentacles back Eight of Pentacles front
The Devil back The Devil front
Three of Pentacles back Three of Pentacles front
Seven of Pentacles back Seven of Pentacles front
The World back The World front
Two of Swords back Two of Swords front
Eight of Cups back Eight of Cups front
Four of Cups back Four of Cups front
Four of Pentacles back Four of Pentacles front
The High Priestess back The High Priestess front
Ace of Swords back Ace of Swords front
Death back Death front
Seven of Swords back Seven of Swords front
Ace of Cups back Ace of Cups front
Judgement back Judgement front
The Fool back The Fool front
Queen of Swords back Queen of Swords front
Page of Wands back Page of Wands front
The Chariot back The Chariot front
The Magician back The Magician front
The Emperor back The Emperor front
Knight of Swords back Knight of Swords front
The Empress back The Empress front
Three of Swords back Three of Swords front
Six of Pentacles back Six of Pentacles front
King of Cups back King of Cups front
The Hanged Man back The Hanged Man front
King of Wands back King of Wands front
The Hierophant back The Hierophant front
Four of Wands back Four of Wands front
Queen of Pentacles back Queen of Pentacles front
The Lovers back The Lovers front
Nine of Swords back Nine of Swords front
Five of Cups back Five of Cups front
Knight of Cups back Knight of Cups front
Four of Swords back Four of Swords front
Wheel of Fortune back Wheel of Fortune front
Seven of Cups back Seven of Cups front
Ten of Pentacles back Ten of Pentacles front
Nine of Cups back Nine of Cups front
Knight of Wands back Knight of Wands front
The Star back The Star front
Two of Wands back Two of Wands front
Queen of Cups back Queen of Cups front
Five of Swords back Five of Swords front
Six of Cups back Six of Cups front
Ace of Wands back Ace of Wands front
The Moon back The Moon front
Strength back Strength front
Queen of Wands back Queen of Wands front
Temperance back Temperance front
King of Pentacles back King of Pentacles front
Ten of Cups back Ten of Cups front
Ten of Swords back Ten of Swords front
Page of Cups back Page of Cups front
The Sun back The Sun front
Two of Cups back Two of Cups front
Five of Wands back Five of Wands front

This layout and its interpretation are prepared by a tarotologist:

Ellen Cardisson

Ellen Cardisson View profile

Star Seeker, Tarot Reader, Fairy in Daily Life
Ellen Cardisson is interested in constellations and very good at reading tarot cards. She has been interested in Tarot cards for a long time because she has a deep fascination with the supernatural. Ellen studied at The University of Tampa, so she brings both intellectual discipline and natural understanding to her work with cards. Many people want her to interpret their Tarot cards because she has a special mix of knowledge and magic. People who want advice and a little magic to help them find their way can get a special consultation from Ellen. She asks you to let go of the fear of the unknown and explore the bright opportunities that lie ahead through online Tarot readings.

Daily Tarot reading to predict your future and avoid destiny pitfalls

Daily Tarot reading is a mysterious way to learn what to expect from tomorrow, what possibilities await you, how not to miss those chances and use them for your personal thriving, how to bypass traps and cope with difficulties in a different area of your life. Knowing how to obtain accurate online daily Tarot reading and interpret them, you will rule the world, accomplish the boldest goals, reach the top, find your love, grow the business, open new horizons. Thus, if you strive to understand the roots of your problems that may be hidden somewhere deep in the most secret places of your soul, or how to achieve successful outcomes, bring back life strength, which choices to make, then you are in the right place.

Free Daily Tarot Card Reading

The interactive and completely free platform will help you to receive my daily Tarot reading and anticipate the future. Starting your journey with Tarot, you must understand that cards have no power to change the events and impact your future, but they can give you a tip and open your mind to life solutions.

Want to establish a deeper connection between you and the universe? Before picking your cards, a few valuable recommendations will help you to get accurate results:

  • the process must start from your concentration and focusing on your inner world;
  • closing your eyes, don't forget to breathe deeply and calmly, achieving a completely relaxed body and mind condition, abstracting from the problems, issues, and daily troubles that bother you;
  • when you feel like your energy growth, open your eyes and pick a card to obtain your prediction.

Daily Tarot reading always starts from your mental efforts, cleaning your mind from unnecessary garbage, connecting with the inner self, learning deeply your vision, motivation, and beliefs in life. Guide the process of your decision-making with Tarot and your rewards will be life clarity, the opportunity to deal with worries about your future and gain control over every sphere of your life. If you are frustrated and don’t know where to move further, Tarot cards always will help you to find the way out, remove all borders, and get rid of burdens, showing which doors you should close, and which one is better to open.

Daily Tarot reading spread

Obviously, interpreting my daily Tarot reading can scare sometimes and be intimidating due to the sheer amount of information that you get from cards spreads. But, in fact, everything is much simpler than it seems. When it comes to practice, the curtain falls and you are left alone with yourself and with a card you have picked. But no worries since in the interactive world, every card has its detailed description making digital reading one of the most convenient and quickest ways.

The secret of reading Tarot spreads is simple: clarity, accuracy, and reliability of gained information from the card that you have chosen! But who knows, maybe it is the card that chose you.

What's next?

Every card helps to reveal your own truth, learn yourself better. The powerful description that will lead you through a thorny path is what you will find here.

First of all, Tarot cards are a source of knowledge about the world, universe, and energy that we can only feel and not see with our eyes or touch it. Many amazing things can be done with Tarot cards, including predicting the future. However, having your prediction, impacting the future is a very sophisticated matter. It is very difficult to be aware of all the consequences of the choice you have made. We are guided by the choice of the most clearly visible benefit, but, at the same time, we select the path, rejecting other probabilities. Thus, Tarot is a tool that must be handled wisely.

Are you ready to reveal the mystery and look behind the curtain of unknown corners of your fate? Start your journey right now.

FAQ Daily Tarot reading

  • How to do a daily Tarot reading?
    Free interactive daily Tarot reading will help you to concentrate and analyze what surrounds you during your day and how it affects your life. All you need is to choose cards, and reading the prediction, find your purpose, meaning, and value.

  • Why do you need a Tarot card daily reading?
    Are you confused and look for an answer on where to move forward? Tarot spreads can show the correct way, filling you with positive energy and bringing harmony to every aspect of your life path. Cards give life guidance regarding your job and career, love and relationships, goals and success.

Your destiny is being desided right now...