
House Card Meaning


The first House Lenormand card meaning is stability, a sense of safety and confidence in the future. If it is more practical, then this is a symbol of real estate, but the name of an apartment, a summer residence, a house, a townhouse, etc. Also, the memories of a child are nourished at home. It is extremely important to take care of your place of living, otherwise it will be dark and dreary. You need to work on yourself and maintain the order that you always remain a warm and pleasant place. Everything starts from the foundation, the creation of the walls, the roof, the repair. Choice of design, formatting and care about safety. You need to sincerely love this place so that it will continue to protect you and bring your near and dear joy. A full list of Tarot free reading and description is available on our website.


Home, Establishment, Safety, Tradition, Custom, Privacy, Conservation

The House Lenormand card meaning: Upright Meaning

The House of Tarot cards is considered one of the most positive symbols, that means prosperity, flourish, a happy life, protection. It indicates that everything will soon get better and will be even better in the future. Also, the House is always an indication of the successful completion of the deal, and since this card is long-playing, the results obtained will delight the Questioner for a long time. The appearance of this card in the layout gives strength and courage to stand up to defend one’s own interests and beliefs, clearly define the boundaries.

A House means something to which a person gives a lot of energy and time: a real house, a country with a garden plot, some kind of business, business, family. Depending on the House Lenormand combinations, you will identify the key meaning. Besides, the House is a symbol of calm self-confidence and the ability to feel at home in certain circumstances. This card softens the influence of negative cards, smoothing out their manifestation — the Querent will be supported in difficult times, no matter what.

The House Lenormand card meaning: Reversed Meaning

A negative House Lenormand card meaning is about family problems. Relatives interfere too actively and teach the person how to live without asking your opinion. Probably the person is dependent on his parents financially and they influence or extort something from the child somehow. Also, you may experience problems with real estate documentaries. Finally, the reversed House means routine and boredom.

The House in a Love Reading

Upright: The House of Tarot cards meaning in love is stability, traditions, reliability. The person has serious intentions to create his own family. The card indicates a long lasting relationship. If you have only recently met a person, then the House card speaks of a kindred spirit, you have a feeling if you have known your soulmate for 100 years. If the House fell on a permanent partner, then this may be an indication that a too monotonous and predictable life ultimately leads to friendly relations. Passions and ardor of love gradually fade into the background under the pressure of everyday hustle and bustle. When asked about marital status, the card clearly indicates that the person is married.

Reversed: In the negative version, the card means that relatives constantly interfere and provoke quarrels in the couple.

The House When Asking About Careers

Upright: The House Lenormand card meaning at work is about a stable position in the company. Not always everything is easy, you have to switch off and keep yourself at an acceptable level. The card can be used to designate an occupation associated with the subject of the real estate, such as an agent, a renter, a repair mother, a designer for an interior. Your experience will help you at work.

Reversed: Another meaning is professional burnout. The person is bored with his job. There is a need to change the occupation.

The House When Asking About Finances

Upright: The House in finances indicates a steady state of affairs, stable income. However, the card does not promise a sky in diamonds. Success in business will come only thanks to your hard and persistent work. 

Reversed: A reversed card speaks of financial difficulties. The House Lenormand combinations will indicate the acute problem.

FAQ The House Lenormand card meaning

  • What does the House mean in reading Lenormand?

    The main House Lenormand card meaning is about family, the native land and protection.

  • What is shown on this card?

    It is important to remember at once that the image of the card may differ in different decks. Sometimes there is a house depicted in a small cozy atmosphere, hinting at comfort, peace and children. At the same time, there are significant buildings, large buildings, hinting at the function of fortitude.

  • What is this card by number?

    The House occupies the 4th number in the Lenorman deck.

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