Eight of Cups Card Meaning
Eight of Cups: It’s Time to Discover its Powerful Meaning
Eight of cups upright Meaning
The inactivity and unwillingness to make appropriate life-changing decisions and choices can be explained by objective reasons. A person simply is not motivated to take any action, as doesn't see the potential results, and it is hard to believe in successful outcomes. The outlook and attitudes are very pessimistic, it causes apathy, which eventually turns into a hard overcoming feeling of severe despondency. It is also about a lack of motivation and enthusiasm, low energy levels, a period of dissatisfaction and displeasure. Eight of Cups Tarot card is really influential and suggests fighting troubles and not ignoring them.
However, at the same time, Eight of Cups pushes to act and move and make the first steps on the path of change. A difficult period awaits you when you have to give up doing things you are used to, refuse previous hobbies and desires in order to go in search of new pursuits and plans.
Eight of cups reversed Meaning
Having cards in the upside-down position always should be alerting. When it comes to Eight of Cups, it is about an already made mistake. Probably, you've decided to abandon everything for the sake of a senseless search for the deeper meaning of existence. It's also about inappropriate and poor prioritization that won’t bring anything good.
Eight of cups love Reading
Upright: sometimes, you must find courage for breaking any connection with the past, as it prevents you from growth and does not allow you to move on. The destruction of the ideal partner image that was created in your mind is another interpretation of the Eight of Cups Tarot card. Maybe you don't experience strong feelings anymore.
Eight of cups reversed love: an inverted position is about a planned family celebration or an expected important event — a wedding, the birth of a baby, anniversary.
When asking about eight of cups career
Upright: job loss and unemployment are the key cards warnings. Because of such changes, there is uncertainty about the future. With Eight of Cups, you may experience frustration or be confused with the events. Even getting a new job or starting a business, there is still no confidence. A negative mindset will not lead to success. How else the card can be interpreted:
difficult work environment;
lack of vitality;
stagnation in business;
unfulfilled expectations;
the wrong approach to responsibilities.
Reversed: challenges that must be overcome on the way to the goal are the key signals that Eight of Cups sends in an inverted position.
When asking about eight of cups finances
Upright: a hopeless situation requiring change and the state of not flowing or moving business. It means that for restoration well-being, you have to reshape your mindset.
Reversed: you are now preoccupied not with spiritual issues but are aimed at enrichment, striving for simple joys and pleasures that depend on how rich you are.
When asking about eight of cups feelings
Upright: the situation needs to be urgently changed, and if it looks impossible, then you need to change your attitude towards it. There is no sense in mental anguish and worries, it's time to let go of the negative and finally, start living.
Reversed: the crisis of relations with the inability to gain strength in order to change something — this is how you can understand the upside-down Eight of Cups. It also can signal new romantic feelings. Perhaps the time has come to actively engage in the search for a soul mate.
Eight of Cups yes/no
You will be forced to change your usual surroundings, leave your loved one or close friends, or lose your favorite thing. The complexities of the card are that a person not only loses one’s usual environment but is not able to unlock the future and forecast the subsequent step. Therefore, the answer you gain with this symbol is no. This is also about laziness, which in fact has objective reasons. A person simply does not see the point in acting, as is sure that nothing good will come of it. The outlook on life is very pessimistic, it causes apathy, which eventually turns into depression. Also, there is no need to rely on your old beliefs, they are false or simply do not correspond to the present. You need to get rid of them and transform your worldview to keep up with the modern world.
FAQ Eight of cups tarot card meaning
Awareness of the wrongness of the current way of life must push you towards doing some changes and making more well-informed choices.
A man who at night, under the glow of the moon, walks away from the goblets standing in the foreground. A crucial detail is a staff in his hands — it symbolizes freedom of choice. In other words, a man goes up only because he wants to.
The card has the 8th position in the Cup Suits of the Minor Arcana sequence.