King of Wands Card Meaning

King of Wands is often depicted as a smart leader, a kind father of a family, a reliable partner. This is a person who has achieved a lot, who knows how to soberly assess his capabilities and who knows exactly what these or those efforts will lead to.
Upright: leadership, strong-willed personality, generosity, nobility, determination, sociability, fairness and often enormous sex appeal
Reverse: thoughtlessness, self-deception, indecision, inattention, arrogance, ruthlessness, initiative, perspective, egoist, demagogue, formalist, and someone who is looking for benefits.
King of Wands Upright
The King of Wands of the Tarot, in the right orientation, personifies a mature man with position and power, energetic, adventurous, very direct and honest. He is a good leader and an experienced judge, and in the latter capacity he can be involved in the life of the Client in order to resolve any dispute. The card also speaks of unexpected financial luck, probably inherited.
King of Wands Reversed
In his relationships with others, he is prone to strictness and intolerance, as well as to some authority. Easily get involved in arguments, allows your prejudices to manifest, and may feel uncomfortable with your business deals.
It is important that you learn to analyze and understand views that are different from yours. Try to overcome any manifestations of prejudice and cynicism and learn from your mistakes. Stay open to the forces of spiritual inspiration that give you a natural sense of dynamism and passion.
King of Wands in Love
Upright: For the sphere of personal relationships, the King of Wands symbolizes their dynamism, equality of partners, willingness to constructively solve problems. If such an Arcane defines the essence of a relationship, then they can be described as warm, sincere, worthy. And when the King of Wands fell out in the layout as a card that interprets the partner's attitude to the fortuneteller, then he testifies that this attitude is simply wonderful - passionate, ardent. In addition, as the prospects for the upcoming marriage, this Arkan is interpreted as to its stability and durability.
Reversed: Such a King of Wands means a despot who poisons the lives of loved ones. And even if his demands are fair, it is all the same - it is quite difficult to withstand nit-picking, severity, restrictions on his part. However, it is possible to find a common language with such a person, because he is quite objective about the merits of people.
King of Wands in Career
Upright: The King of Wands is interpreted as the presence of leadership qualities, as complete independence, as a huge opportunity for the set goals. You can always rely on an employee who has such a card. And from the leader, to whom the King of Wands fell, one can expect absolute adequacy, objectivity, and recognition of his talents and abilities.
Reversed: The reversed King of Wands in terms of career personifies a certain detachment from reality, an overestimation of one's capabilities, or an underestimation of difficulties. In this case, this is due to the fact that such a King is arrogant, impatient, prone to conflicts. This person can be persuaded only if you have truly objective information and talent as a speaker.
King of Wands in Finances
Upright: The right time to implement ideas, develop business, implement plans, conclude business contracts. It is a need to work hard because the prospects are very good and a lot can be achieved if a person tries hard. In matters of the material plan, financial well-being achieved by one's own efforts.
Reversed: The reversed King of Wands may show off a car that was given to him or an apartment be inherited. But it is not the best period for action and new beginnings. Petty tyranny, display of anger and aggression at work, pressure on subordinates. In matters of finance - bragging about money received not by their own earnings, but by those that came into their own hands.
King of Wands yes/no
One desperately seeks wisdom and strives to gain valuable knowledge and life experience. Our life is an experimental field where we can learn from our mistakes. The answer to your yes/no question is more likely yes, as having more and more experience, any life challenge seems like a child's play. With such vision and attitude, you will not be encumbered with global troubles and will be focused on reaching the most desired heights. Remember the following messages:
you will gain professionalism in your business;
you will impress the world with your original ideas;
to achieve results, you need to rely only on yourself.
King sign pertains to the most powerful one, so redirect its energy to the right source.