Eight of Wands Card Meaning

Eight of Wands
In this card, we see the desire to set everything in motion and free flight. A lot of unexpected things happen to this person: either actions are resumed again, or a push that gives a swift movement forward. You are likely to achieve real success, but it’s important to be careful and concentrated. The Eight of Wands indicates a strong position, concentration of energy. The past correlates together with the present.If you have this card, then a favorable period is coming, a person needs to take measures and achieve the intended goals.
Upright: very fast changes, overcoming difficulties, travel, self-confidence, ambition, fast decision making, surprise, fast-paced relationship, easy-going work, new offers, too many issues
Reversed: envy, difficulties, laziness, imbalance, quarrels, stagnation, delays, raid changes in a private life, work troubles, loss of profits, misunderstanding at work.
Eight of Wands Upright
The card shows that a person, after a period of stagnation, is on the verge of a delightful and bright stage in life. Things got off the ground, the Questioner is full of energy and enthusiasm in anticipation of a new project. You will have enough strength to do the job and be involved in social life. Also, you are likely to think about business plans, traveling or changing a place of living. The card can herald a period of painstaking work that will require mental expenditure. For whatever a person undertakes, everything will be fulfilled very quickly, Things will go uphill. You are talented in all life areas which gives you perfectly established communications and overcoming misunderstandings with any people.
Eight of Wands Reversed
Now your life period is characterized by the lack of strength to do the job, passivity, many difficulties and disruptions to plans. You may be envious and criticize others due to your inner imbalance. There are constant delays, including decisions, work and even trips. In fact, the person experiences an unfavorable set of circumstances, which causes disagreements and scandals in the family. Because of the lack of rest and insecurity, you can suffer from health problems due to imbalance.
Eight of Wands in Love
Upright: The main meaning of the Eight of Wands in love is a sudden falling in love, the fleeting beginning of the romance, the adrenaline after the first meeting or date, a feeling of euphoria, a passionate desire to be close to the object of your sympathy. For couples this card can mean preparation for the wedding, a pre-wedding commotion, when everything goes perfectly.
Reversed: The reversed card can be considered in two aspects: in the first it will mean delays, when a person, for example, cannot decide whether to make a further step in the relationships or not. The second aspect is revealed as a quick change for which the questioner is completely unprepared. For example, a sudden declaration of love may come from a person from whom you did not expect this, an offer to legalize a relationship or start living together during the period of the candy-bouquet period, when the partners have not yet had time to really get to know each other.
Eight of Wands in Career
Upright: You are expected to find that many stagnant affairs move from a dead center, new pleasant prospects open up, the project enters a new phase, work is done "with a whistle." However, such a powerful "exhaust" can entail unpleasant consequences: the need to deal with many issues at the same time, fuss, running around, rush.
Reversed: Reversed Eight means unexpected delays, changes in work that a person is not ready for, disagreements between business partners, criticism from others, encountering deception, unsuccessful communication.
Eight of Wands in Finances
Upright: Possible conclusion of profitable contracts. You are also likely to receive quick profit or money that you wouldn’t expect. Another meaning of the Eight is a sudden offer, active commercial interaction, well-coordinated and quick work of the subordinates.
Reversed: The person experiences inner imbalance, they are in the dark how to make a decision concerning this or that business issue. All of this can end up with lost profits.
Eight of Wands yes/no
Changes have already begun but you simply do not notice them. Pleasant surprises and unusual events await you. The symbol says that you will gain new knowledge, and an unusual source of information will be used for this. Serious changes in life will happen quite soon. Those who have time to respond to changes will win. The rest will fail. Since this card calls for action in the name of success, the answer will still be positive. This is the best time for undertakings, and therefore you can safely begin to realize your innermost dream. The speed of success attaining is increased.