
Four of Cups Card Meaning

Four of Cups_photo

Four of Cups: How to Understand its Message

Four of cups upright Meaning

If a person strives to get something, after reaching the goal, it turns out that it was not what this person really wants. The Four of Cups Tarot card can be a reminder that you must more clearly determine your desires to avoid apathy and irritability down the road. There is a danger of missing an important offer. Other important messages you must not overlook:

  • the card is about people with ambitions, who position themselves as the smartest and greatest, while never bothering themselves intellectually or physically;

  • Four of Cups displays a person who is offended;

  • dissatisfaction can prevent from enjoying simple daily joys;

  • psychic conflict can affect a person and lead to abnormal  behavior;

  • lack of motivation, energy, and incentive.

An inability to rejoice in victories and achievements is another warning of Four of Cups. It also represents the category of people who live in the past and treat it as the golden period of their life, therefore, in the present, apart from negativity, they do not notice anything.

Four of cups reversed Meaning

Be careful as you may not spot the opportunity for growth and a missed chance will not be received again. Due to such an outcome, a depressive mood can affect your well-being.

Four of cups love Reading

Upright: you probably always expect that nothing will work out and always program yourself for failure. A Four of Cups Tarot guide contains a great tip for those who are in search of a strong connection with a partner: do not look for only weaknesses and bad traits in your partner.

Four of cups reversed love: soon there will be a meeting that was destined to happen. Another interpretation for families is that mutual understanding between spouses will improve, there will be complete harmony in marriage.

When asking about four of cups career

Upright: you are completely tired and you no longer want to be engaged in this type of working duty. It can be a temporary feeling so you must carefully analyze your attitudes. The Four of Cups is about lost chances, so get ready to grab your opportunity before someone else takes advantage of a good offer.

Four of cups reversed career: the desire to do many things at once will ultimately affect the quality of the job performed.

When asking about four of cups finances

Upright: there is a difficulty with smart cash management. The Four of Cups Tarot card is about stability but not about growth.

Reversed: trying to find spiritual joy by buying things, you must realize that you cannot buy true values.

When asking about four of cups feelings

Upright: boredom, a lack of impressions, emotional imbalance, a lack of change and personal development. If nothing is done, the situation will come to a standstill. However, your partner can help you to get out of the depressive mood and even transform your attitudes. 

Four of cups reversed feelings: if a person has been alone for a long time, the upside-down Four of Cups indicates the readiness for a romantic period and new intensive feelings.

When asking about four of cups future

Upright: there will come a time when everything around will seem very mundane. Try to take a fresh look at what surrounds you. This will help you to avoid the occurrence of prolonged depression and will help you to restore energy and performance levels.

Four of cups reversed future: do not refuse anyone's help and advantageous offers. Expect opportunities for thriving. 

Four of Cups yes/no

Usually, a person strives for something, but after one receives it, understanding comes. This thing is absolutely meaningless and not needed. And then the joy of owning the object changes to apathy and irritability. You need to be careful and not miss the moment when saturation occurs. There is a danger of missing an important offer. This sign is also about:

  • a midlife crisis, when it seems that life has been lived in vain, and there is nothing good ahead;
  • experiencing depression, you just need to stop passively waiting for changes;
  • take this symbol as a serious warning about the need for transformation.

Unfortunately, the answer this card holds is not obvious, it is hard to clearly define if it is yes or no.

FAQ Four of cups tarot card meaning

  • What does Four of cups mean in reading Rider-Waite?

    A person becomes a victim of his own despondency, being captured by boredom. The card is about deep reflection on the past, dreams about events that have long been erased from memory, not noticing everything that is happening around.

  • What is shown on this card?

    A young man sitting in the meditation posture far away under a tree. He is so immersed in himself that he does not notice the surrounding world.

  • What is this card by number?

    The Four of Cups takes the 4th position in the Minor Arcana in the Cup Suits.

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