Three of Wands Card Meaning
Three of Wands Meaning: Expand Your Horizons with Inner Knowledge
Three of Wands Card Meaning: Upright Meaning
The meaning of this strong Tarot symbol is vital energy, which a person can easily activate and reveal if demonstrating inventiveness and confidence. Your life journey is smooth, and obstacles that arise in your way can be easily liquidated. Just be cool-headed and think carefully about your actions. The Three of Wands Tarot card suggests avoiding acting impulsively without forethought. Your difficulties were triggered by your own mistakes, but no worries, as acting responsibly, firmly, and decisively, you will be capable of coping with them.
Three of Wands: Reversed Meaning
Ill-considered actions and choices will lead to poor life scenarios when you won't find the strength to attain the desired goals. Thus, the upside-down Three of Wands meaning threatens to miss the unique opportunities. In this case, it is a warning signal, so you must take time for taking a breath and thinking over the occurred issue, as the excessive haste of a person who strives to discover the future may play a bad joke. Perhaps, you missed something or misjudged the consequences of your actions.
Three of Wands in a Love Reading
Upright: you do the right thing by giving your beloved one space, fostering kindness, and building a trustful partnership. You and your partner are creative people, and therefore making plans for the future together gives you comfort and pleasure. Remember that together you will produce incredible results and gain impressive heights. If you haven't found your destiny yet, don't worry, as then Three of Wands meaning can be interpreted as a good omen.
Reversed: extra attention should be paid to the reversal, as it means that one of the partners is afraid to take responsibility, does not listen to wise advice, or simply doesn’t want to fight challenges.
Three of Wands When Asking About Careers
Upright: focusing on gaining perfect reputation and reaching success, you do the job with honesty, integrity, and commitment. Among other things, the Three of Wands Tarot card means steady development and huge tangible progress.
Reversed: you are ready to take risks, but the reversal warns that all career choices can turn out to be a mistake as a result of which all efforts will be in vain or even result in significant financial losses.
Three of Wands When Asking About Finances
Upright: you may not worry that some unforeseen financial troubles will hit you unexpectedly, as the situation is quite favorable and stable. Your work is appreciated at its true worth, and therefore your savings are gradually raising. The Three of Wands Tarot card promises financial success and prosperity. The paramount advice is to avoid impulsive purchases.
Reversed: lack of finance can be a reason for the poor quality of life and even prevent you from realizing your dreams.
Three of Wands yes/no
Quite soon you will reach your cherished goal, climb the pedestal from where you will be able to see all the surroundings from a bird's eye view. With a such new perspective on life, you will be capable of efficiently planning your next move, outlining new objectives in advance, and detecting all pitfalls. Your answer is a clear yes since the card is also about:
the forward movement towards desired heights;
smooth development at all life levels;
successful attempts to begin something new.
You will get rid of doubts about whether the work will be appreciated, the period of reflection and ruminating on the past will end up soon, and you will regain confidence. But at the same time, there is no need to rush. Give yourself space to declutter your mind and relax before setting new goals.
FAQ Three of Wands card meaning
The beginning of a very productive period, especially when it comes to new career opportunities or business deals, is a key interpretation of the card. Any projects that require creativity and ingenuity are implemented successfully. Success is facilitated by a partner who offers experience and knowledge, so use extra help.
On a splendidly composed card, a man who stands on a high hill and looks out to the sea, reaching the very horizon, is depicted. The wands that surround him symbolize problems that can be solved by acting in a reasonable manner and remaining calm.
This prominent card that stands for the right path to your spiritual development takes the 3rd position.